Old News

Minho received an external scholarship.
Minho became a scholarship recipient as Future Agricultural Talent of Nonghyup Foundation. Congratulations Minho!

We received Best Oral Paper Award in Domnestic Conference.
Seokmin's paper with the title, "High-resolution Montage Generation using CycleGAN and DFDNET" Received Best Oral Paper Award (우수논문상) in Domnestic Conference of Korean Institute of Next Generation Computing (한국차세대컴퓨팅학회). Congratulations Seokmin!

We have new members, Jiwon, Suhyeon, and Junbeom.
We have new research interns.Jiwon Heo and Suhyeon Park are 3rd grade undergraduate students, and they are interested in generative models and object recognition for astronomy, respectively. Junbeom Jung is 2nd grade undergraduate students, and he will proceed the researches related with Medical AI. Welcome!

Three papers are accepted in Scientific Reports, Plos One, and Applied Science.
A paper with the title, "Efficacy of a comprehensive binary classification model using a deep convolutional neural network for wireless capsule endoscopy" is accepted in Scientific Reports. A paper with the title, "Gastric examination using a novel three-dimensional magnetically assisted capsule endoscope and a hand-held magnetic controller: A porcine model study" is accepted in Plos One. A paper with the title, "Patch-Wise Infrared and Visible Image Fusion Using Spatial Adaptive Weights" is accepted in Applied Science.

We have new members, Minho Jang, Dayoung Park, Donghyun Lee and Seokmin Kim.
We have new research interns. Minho Jang and Dayoung Park are 4th grade undergraduate students, and they are interested in intelligent agriculture and activity recognition, respectively. Donghyun Lee and Seokmin Kim are 3rd grade undergraduate students, and they will proceed the researches related with Network compression and Reinforcement Learning, respectively. Welcome!

A paper is accepted in Diagnostics.
A paper with the title, "A Current and Newly Proposed Artificial Intelligence Algorithm for Reading Small Bowel Capsule Endoscopy" is accepted in Diagnostics.

We have new members, Junhyung Kim, Chung-Gi Ban and Eunsoo Bong.
We have a new postoctoral researcher, Junhyung Kim. He will proceed the research related with image classification and image processing. We have a new master student, Chung-Gi Ban. His research area is 3D object detection for grasping. We have a new research intern, Eunsoo Bong. She will conduct research on object recognition for autonomous driving. Everyone is Welcome!

Two papers are accepted in Scientific Reports and Electronics.
A paper with the title, "Development of a deep learning-based software for calculating cleansing score in small bowel capsule endoscopy" is accepted in Scientific Reports. A paper with the title, "A Survey on Deep Learning based Methods and Datasets for Monocular 3D Object Detection" is accepted in Electronics.

Eunho's 'Network Compression' paper is accepted in Electronics.
A paper with the title, "Layer-Wise Network Compression Using Gaussian Mixture Model" is accepted in Electrnoics. Congratuations Eunho!

We have a new member, Yunseok Lee.
We have a new research intern, Yunseok Lee. He is the 3rd grade undergraduate student. He will proceed the research related with Object Detection for Autonomous Vehicles. Welcome!

A paper is accepted in Plos One.
A paper with the title, "Artificial intelligence that determines the clinical significance of capsule endoscopy images can increase the efficiency of reading" is accepted in Plos One.

We have new members, Junki Lee and Soomin Kim.
We have new research interns, Junki Lee and Soomin Kim. They are the 2nd grade undergraduate student. They will proceed the research related with Vision based Augmented Reality. Welcome!.

A paper is accepted in Sensors.
A paper with the title, "Iterative K-Closest Point Algorithms for Colored Point Cloud Registration" is accepted in Sensors.

We received Best Oral Paper Award in Domnestic Conference.
Eunho's paper with the title, "Layer Adaptive Network Compression for Memory Efficiency" Received Best Oral Paper Award (우수논문상) in Domnestic Conference of Korean Institute of Next Generation Computing (한국차세대컴퓨팅학회). Congratulations Eunho!

A paper is accepted in Sensors.
A paper with the title, "Noise-Aware and Light-Weight VLSI Design of Bilateral Filter for Robust and Fast Image Denoising in Mobile Systems" is accepted in Sensors.

We have a new member, Junhyuk Park.
We have a new research intern, Junhyuk Park. He is the 3rd grade undergraduate student.. He will proceed the research related with Visual SLAM and Autonomous Navigation. Welcome!.

Several Research Funds will be granted.
Our Lab. has AI SoC project for edge-device granted by MSIT, AI agent project for capsule endoscopy granted by MOHW, Video Summarization project for capsule endoscopy granted by NRF. We are supported by several human resources development programs, BK21 plus, Grand-ICT, Future Car, SW-Centered Univ..

Recently two papers were published.
A paper with the title, "3D reconstruction of small bowel lesions using stereo camera-based capsule endoscopy" was published in Scientific Reports. A paper with the title, "Category-specific Upright Orientation Estimation for 3D Model Classification and Retrieval" was published in Image and Vision Computing.

RVLab Homepage is created.
RVLab (Robot Vision Laboratory) at Chungbuk National University currently consists of prof. Youngbae Hwang, two graduate students, and three undergradute students as interns.